South Asian AMR training network
Collaboration type A capacity-building training programme.
Aim To create and deliver training enabling researchers from Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India to deliver expertise in the detection of AMR.
Problem addressed Many microbiology laboratories in South Asia have the capability to do phenotypic testing but are unable to carry out resistance gene analysis and molecular diagnostics due to a lack of knowledge, skills and resources.
Focus countries India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and UK.
Project duration 1 April 2020 to 31 August 2021.
Funder BBSRC Global Challenges Research Fund, Strategic Training Awards for Research Skills.
Partners Royal Veterinary College (RVC), UK, Anand Agricultural University (AAU), India, and Gujarat Biotechnology Research Centre (GBRC), India.
Principal Investigator Professor Ayona Silva-Fletcher, RVC.
GCRF One Health Poultry Hub involvement Hub members will develop and review the online course and practical face-to-face training in AAU. Members involved include Professor Ayona Silva-Fletcher (RVC) as lead researcher and as co-investigators: Dr Prakash G. Koringa, as project lead for India, Professor Fiona Tomley, Professor Damer Blake, Dr Madhvi Joshi, Dr Mohammed Samad, Dr Ruwani Kalupahana, Dr Sunetra Gupta, Dr Ludovic Pelligand, Professor Patricia Lynne Conway and Dr Richard Stabler. In addition, Hub project manager Dr Daan Vink, administrative assistant Zubair Ahmed and training and education coordinator Rhiannon Prescott will coordinate and integrate the training.
Further information The UKRI project webpage, or email Hub member Rhiannon Prescott