Mehroosh Tak
Dr Mehroosh Tak is a senior lecturer in agribusiness at the Royal Veterinary College (RVC). She is an applied economist researching agricultural policies and food systems in low and middle-income countries. In the Hub, Dr Tak is co-leading work on consumer demand and preferences, providing an economics and food systems perspective to create sustainable poultry production systems.
Much of her work evaluates nutrition-sensitivity of programmes and policies using approaches from development economics including micro-econometrics and mixed methods. Dr Tak has previously investigated the role of public expenditures in diversifying diets and antibiotic usage in livestock production systems in India. Dr Tak regularly provides monitoring and evaluation expertise on food systems and nutrition financing to international donors, such as the DFID, UNICEF and the Gates Foundation. Dr Tak is affiliated with the Leverhulme Centre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health, a consortium on sustainable food systems research with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the School of Oriental and African Studies and RVC.